Two Girls Sugar Swirls Creates Teal Ribbon Citrus Shave Soap ~ Sept only!
Post date: Sep 14, 2013 9:16:26 PM
We are so very excited and honored to have Two Girls Sugar Swirls create an Ovarian Cancer Awareness Citrus Shave Soap for the month of September ~ available on Etsy. Their products are handmade using only natural ingredients and if you aren't already a customer, this product will certainly make you one. If you want to be pampered or are looking for a gift for someone special in your life, order any of their deliciously scented (and unscented, too!) sugar scrubs, body mousse, or skin care products made by Gina of TGSS. Gail's Anatomy supports Made in America - and this product is made in our neighboring State of Georgia. Browse through the many products offered by TGSS, or contact Gina directly for a specially created product for your skin needs. You'll quickly find out why Gail's Anatomy is honored to be partnering with Gina at Two Girls Sugar Scrub for her very first teal ribbon product supporting ovarian cancer awareness.
Thank you, Gina :)
Copied from Two Girls Sugar Swirls Facebook page: