Post date: Aug 18, 2010 3:9:42 PM
On August 14, 2007, Mayor Todd Etheredge signed a proclamation of September being forever known as Gail Mills Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in the town of Jackson, South Carolina..
On August 9, 2010, Mayor Fred Cavanuagh and the Aiken City Council proclaimed September as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in the City of Aiken, South Carolina.
On August 17, 2010, Chairman Ronnie Young and the Aiken County Council signed a proclamation for Aiken County!
Until there's a cure for ovarian cancer, awareness and early detection is our best hope. Thank you Mayor Etheredge, Mayor Cavanaugh, Chairman Young and all City, County and Town Council members for making a difference in the fight against ovarian cancer... and saving lives.
Debbie Mills, Mayor Etheredge, Lynn Sullivan Alicia Curry, Debbie Mills, Chairman Ronnie Young
Debbie Mills, Mayor Cavanaugh, Gail Ussery, Ruth Lipham