2015 Half Crazy Run for Ovarian Cancer
Post date: Jan 30, 2015 8:19:55 PM
EVANS, GEORGIA - September 19, 2015: Race day preparations began early on Saturday, September 19th with friends meeting at Memory Mile 3 for Gail Mills. The mile 3 marker was located in front of at Walgreen's on the corner of Fury's Ferry and Evans to Locke roads. Banners were displayed and signs painted ready to cheer for and motivate the runners. The route began at Evans Fitness Center and we cheered runners going toward the Locke and as they returned nearing the finish line. Thank you Vanessa, Donna, Brooke, Sierra and "Shoe" for spending the morning with us :)
Gail's Anatomy donated teal awareness bracelets, symptom bookmarks, and teal stadium cups for the runners' 'swag bags' distributed Friday evening and also prior to the race.
Memory Mile 3 at the Half Crazy Run for Ovarian Cancer dedicated to Gail Mills! We are so honored!!