Jackson Middle School's "Think Pink" Campaign 2011
Post date: Nov 07, 2011 3:52:35 PM
Photos (clockwise): Debbie at JMS Pep Rally; Rolling out the teal and pink chains; Mrs. Slack's 2nd period classroom at the pep rally and again on 11/2/11
For four days beginning October 14, 2011, Jackson Middle School students sold pink and teal chain links and also sold t-shirts for breast and ovarian cancer awareness. Second period classes competed against each other to see who could sell the most links - thus making the longest chain. The 338 JMS students worked really hard to win - while making everyone aware of the reason for the teal and pink link. At their pep rally on October 19, classroom representatives stretched their links across the gym floor and the first place winners were announced: Mrs. April Slack's second period class! Their chain stretched 2/3 of the way acrossd the floor! Debbie was invited to speak to the student's about Gail's Anatomy and to share with them Gail's story. Mr. Hood's class came in second place and Mrs. McClain's class came in third.
Gail's Anatomy is honored to be the recipient of their school donation in the amount of $1,380 for our ovarian cancer awareness. This donation will go far to purchase ovarian cancer awareness items that will be used throughout the year at our various events. THANK YOU, Jackson Middle - you are the best!
Thanks also to Walt Reece for photographing the pep rally.